
More effec­tive sales­man­ship with voice and speech training


In this spe­cial semi­nar on prac­tice and ope­ra­tion for sel­ling and cli­ent feli­ci­ta­tion you will learn to rein your cli­ents over quickly thanks to your speech trai­ning. You will learn to be less ver­bose and con­vin­cin­gly win over your cli­ents with the use of power-words. You will handle even dif­fi­cult and hard nego­tia­ti­ons with ease and close that elu­sive deal with defi­nite suc­cess. You would learn the sales pitch: the secret of top flight salesmanship.

Again it is you who will define the key area: whe­ther you would like to undergo inten­sive pre­sen­ta­ti­ons prac­tice or speech trai­ning for effec­ting an increase in sales. You will work sin­gly as well as in groups. You will learn the tools of the trade, the sales talk and also wha­te­ver else is important to you.

Are you drawn towards any of these courses?

You can obtain more infor­ma­tion from the fol­lo­wing PDF Data files


More effec­tive sel­ling with impro­ved voice and speech (far­big, 58 KB)


More effec­tive sel­ling with impro­ved voice and speech (schwarz­weiß, 58 KB)

This semi­nar is offe­red both for sin­gle indi­vi­dual trai­ning, as well as for group work.